Thursday, June 25, 2009

At The Orthodontist!

As most of you guys know I am getting my braces on July 9!! Before I get them on they have to take ex rays and get molds of my teeth, along with putting spacers in my mouth. Today I went for the last time before I am getting my braces on, I thought they were only doing the molds...but no they were doing spacers too!! Oh, the joy!:) Anyway, I got watermelon flavor mold of my mouth that has been named Aunt Susie!:) Getting the mold did not hurt, I was freezing so my teeth were chattering, but everything went well for the molds. (I had just taken a shower before we left and my hair was still wet.) So after the molds we got ex rays, and that too went fine. Lastly, we had to do the spacers!!! Oh the pain! The lady doing them(Sandy) had to push down so much her fingers had the indention of my teeth.:) I am warning you, if you are getting braces soon, spacers hurt!

I took a picture of my mouth to show you the spacers.
I will have them in until July 9.

I have four on the top and four on the bottom.
I know this is a scary picture of me!;)
My teeth also don't look clean in the
picture it's from making the mold.

After we got everything done at the orthodontist, we picked Sarah up for lunch and went to Miltons. It was the worst place I could have eaten after getting spacers!! I sat there and tried to eat pizza, I really tried...but I think all I did was hurt my mouth more! So when we got to Sarah's house after lunch, I got some pain medication and that did not help at all! Oh, well. The only thing that helps is sucking on ice.:)

The joy of going to the Orthodontist!:)

*If anything is missed's because all the pain medication did was make me more crazy then I already am!:)*


Jonathan David Page said...

I hope you feel better soon and it doesn't hurt too much. Enjoy the fact that you don't play a wind instrument.

Abigail said...

Whoa, the mouth picture is scary and really cool at the same time.

I burst out laughing over your family quote! That's priceless!!! I'll have to tell Daddy about it! :D

Samuel said...

I guess the picture gives a us a good idea of what life looks like for a piece of food, sort of a " whoa, do I really have to go in there? well,here I go anyway" lol :)

N said...

Oh man...I remember spacers. I don't remember them hurting me much though...maybe those were the only teeth that weren't really tight already. :P I had to keep from flicking them out with my tongue though; it drove me crazy!

You got a flavored mold?! Wow...mine tasted like...icky plastic stuff, which was really the least of my worries because I was choking on the trays. (It's funny how different portions of the braces experience bother people differently.)

Anna Taylor said...

Natalie, they have ten different flavors now.It took me forever to pick one out!:)

Just g said...

Found your blog because I keep a Jim Shore google alert. I got braces when I was 35. Once they put my braces on my teeth didn't meet anywhere in my mouth. I couldn't eat anything but soft food for a week. My favorite memory was putting a big mac in the blender.
In the's worth it.
Take advil before you go and by the time you need it, it will be working.
Good Luck

Anna Taylor said...

Just G, Thanks for you comment and the advice! I will defiantly do that!:)