Saturday, August 1, 2009


I am so sorry I have not posted in awhile, it's been a really rough week!!

We found out this week that my Mom's mom(Nana as we call her.) has lung cancer! Right now the cancer is only in one place in her lung. The doctor does not think it's past the 1st stage. We really won't know more until after she talks to the doctor, which should be in the next two weeks. They are thinking she will have to had surgery before William's wedding.

Also, I am going to be an aunt!!!!

And William will be marring Jenn in 34 day!!! YEAH I can't wait to have a new sister!:)

If you could please keep out family in your prayers! That the doctors will know what to do with my Nana and that it won't be past the 1st stage.( they don't think it is, but they don't really know at the point.) Also, keep William and Jenn along with both her family are our family in your prayers, while we get ready for yet another wedding!



Samuel said...

I am so sorry to hear that about your Nana. Will be praying.

Anna Taylor said...

Thanks Sam. Just so you know, "Faith like Potatoes" was horrible!! Be glad you did not finish the movie! 15 minutes after you left a little boys gets run over by a tractor and that last 10 minutes with blood everywhere and people crying! It was horrible!!:)

Meredith Ivy said...

We'll also be praying for your Nana. I'm sure that news must come as quite a surprise to your family. I missed seeing you at church yesterday. I hope Jenn's shower went well. I would have loved to have been there.

Have a nice week, Anna!

Samuel said...

Man alive! I am glad that I left. I bet the awful father went crazy and started hitting everyone with his hat. :) Did ya'll stick with it or did you cut it off?

Anna Taylor said...

Yes, I think he did hit some people with his hat!:) I can't believe how much they dragged this part on. We did finish it...but really wish I hadn't.

Then you know the movie "the boy in the striped pajamas”? Well we watched that Saturday night and it was even sadder! A boy outside a concentration camp, makes friends with a boy in the concentration camp. At the very end the boy in the concentration camp is able to get the other boy in the concentration camp and they both die in the gas chamber!! It ends with the family of the boy who lived outside the camp were all sobbing!! It was horribly sad and it was not even historically right! There is no way they could have gotten a boy in to a concentration camp by digging a hole! They were to heavily guarded!

Meredith, thanks! Yes the news has very surprising! We missed you to, I don't think we will see you this week either. Jenn's shower went really well, we would have loved for you to have been their too!

Anonymous said...

I will pray for your Nana.... praying nothing but the best for Jenn and Will ..and YOU"RE GOING TO BE AN AUNT>>> ARE YOU SERIOUS????? I can't keep up with the crochet LOL!!!!!

Miss all of you so much... tell your mom I think of her often... I know she is busy but I'm here if she needs me