Monday, June 1, 2009

I am still waiting for pictures!
So here is some randomness!:)

One. Have you ever been asked out? No
Two. Where was your default picture taken? In our living room
Three. What is your middle name? Leigh
Four. Your current relationship status? single
Five. Does your crush like you back? I don't have a crush, and if I do, do you think I would post it on my blog?
Six. What is your current mood? Happy and a little sad
Seven. What color pants are you wearing? brown
Eight. What color shirt are you wearing? red
Nine. What is your favorite thing to do? Violin
Ten. If you could go back in time and change something, would you? No, everything that has happened God has been in charged of. His plan is the best!
Eleven. If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be? A dog? I really don't know.
Twelve. Ever had a near death experience? I choked on a penny when I was a baby and almost died.
thirteen. Something you do a lot? take to myself
Fourteen. What do you want to be when you get older? a Mom
Fifteen. Who did you copy and paste this from? Abigail over at Tweety Tweets
Sixteen. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Yes! I know of two people. Kara G.'s dad and another person I forgot their name.
Seventeen. When was the last time you cried? today! I miss Sarah!:(
Eighteen: What do you consider your theme song?
Nineteen. If you could have one super power what would it be?
Twenty. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? Their smiles!
Twenty-one. What do you usually order from Starbucks? I don't really go to Starbucks, I think I have only been when we are getting stuff for Rebekah!:) I don't even remember what I get!:)
Twenty-two. What's your biggest secret? I don't have one.
Twenty-three. Favorite color? lime green with pink or green
Twenty-five. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? YES!! We love to watch 100 and 1 dalmations! It's my favorite movie to watch with the little boys!!
Twenty-six. What are you eating or drinking at the moment? Limeade
What's your favorite smell? Coconut
Twenty-nine. Describe your life in one word, what would it be? emotional
What is your secret obsession: Well if I told then it would not be secret anymore!:)
Thirty-one. Have you ever kissed in the rain? No
Thirty-two. What are you thinking about right now? being kissed in the rain!:)
Thirty-three. What should you be doing right now? typing
Thirty-four. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? That's me to know and you to never find out!
Thirty-five. Why are you doing this? Because I want to post something and have nothing to post.
Thirty-six. Do you like working in the yard? Yes!
Thirty-seven. If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? Taylor - Henderson:)
Thirty-eight. Do you act differently around the person you like? no, because I don't just like one person. I like everybody!
Thirty-nine. What is your natural hair color? Brown.
Forty. What did you think about this survey? It's very long!

I am off to bed, and it's only 10:30!:)


Samuel said...

I can sort of sympathizes with your sadness. I remember it was very sad when Rebekah whent to college and John Paul joined the Marines, but I know there is a lot of differance between that and someone getting married. It is going to be a hot day! :o

Anna Taylor said...

I think it would have been a lot harder it she had joined the Marines. Ok! that's a very funny thought, Sarah and the Marines!lol:)

Abigail said...

Haha!! Sarah in the Marines... then Mike would have joined up, and Mike in the Marines is funny too...

Anna Taylor said...

rofl! William and Jenn could join too!:)

Samuel said...

Sarah in the Marines, very funny.:) That would have made a great honeymoon surprise for Sarah, They get married and then Mike drives them all the way down to Paris Island and they both join the Marines. lol :) IT WAS HOT TODAY!

Anna Taylor said...

lol! That is such a funny thought!:)
I just went outside, and was like Sam was right! It's SO hot and sticky!

Samuel said...

Anna, tell me about the near death experience with THE penny!. Also, do you want to be called Annabeth or Anna?

Anna Taylor said...

Sam, Well I was a baby, and my Dad was playing with me on the floor when he dropped a penny out of his pocket. He left the room for some reason and I put the penny in my month! Since I was so little it got stuck in my throat and I could not breath! I was rushed to the ER and I think they had to go in and get the penny out? I'm not sure how the penny was removed.:) I like being called Anna, but I don't mind being called Annabeth or Annabee. (My Dad and Granddad call me this.) Just don't call me Annabell!!:)