Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh Sally!!!

So as I said a couple posts ago our septic tank is broken! So we finally were able to find someone we trusted to come out and fix it!We have had several people out here, along with the health department! Anyway, this morning we woke up to a dump truck and two pickup trucks on our beautiful grass! I was still in my PJ's!;) They are going to have to replace the whole tank and have said we need to put in all new lines! I don't think we have to put in all new lines, they just suggested it. (I'm not really sure, I do know that if we have to add all new lines it will cost a lot more then it already does! Oh sally!) Anyway, I know they have to put in one new line for sure and to do this they have to break our fence and chop down some of our trees!! Molly and I did not know this and we are on the porch talking when all of the sudden are wonderful tree went splat!! Both of our mouths were hanging open! We were both like, the septic people just took down our tree!! It really was quite funny. :)

So our fence starts at the green gate. The tree that is pictured was outside our fence. The pile of dirt is from digging up the tank! Are field that was just mowed is now covered with a tree, a pile of rocks, and dirt!

Also today we have the trouble shooters at the news channel come out and do an interview of my Dad.We have been having some trouble with the Embarq and Dish people about Granddad's cable TV. (Just his TV has cable.) So everyone watch it on Friday at 5:50 on channel 11, my Dad and Granddad will be on TV!!

Sarah is home from the beach and will be coming over tonight! So hopefully I will post pictures sometime this week from the wedding!
Also I just love this song and this song!


Abigail said...

rofl! You have been around Jenn too much! :D

Give Sarah a hug for me.

Could you make the text font a little larger please?

Anna Taylor said...

Since having Jenn around all day yesterday, I have been going around today going "Oh Sally"!:)

Yes,I can do both!

j.noel said...

oh sally! oh bessie!! Abigail!!! How could you say such a thing - "around Jenn too much"...I'm speechless :(