Monday, February 8, 2010

My Super bowl party!:)

So yesterday was the super bowl..and my beloved Colts did not make it....:(
I don't really watch football..mainly because I don't understand it, but I do love the Indianapolis Colts!
My cousin had a Super Bowl party at his house..which Molly and Nick went too...I think he is going to post pictures on his blog... I thought about going..but then it hit me that I would be the only girl watching the game..and since Mr and Mrs. Page, their little boy and my cousin Andrew was coming over, I decided to stay and play with the little boys. So that my parents would get some time to visit with the Pages. 

Here are some pictures form our time together:  
Andrew hiding during hide-in-go-seek!:) 

Andrew and Matthew
Daniel..posing for the camera!:) 
Daniel and Matthew kept hiding on my bed.
When someone would come after then, they liked to jump off the bed!:0
I decided before someone jumped off my bed 
and broke something...we should play something else!

Andrew and I 
After several tries at a group pictures, this is the best one we got!;) 


Amanda B. said...

I guess there is always something exciting happening in a family as big as yours :)
I don't really watch football either, but once I had the game explained to me, I can watch and understand and even enjoy it sometimes.
That was nice of you to play with the little ones so your parents could visit.
Blessing to you and your servant's heart!

Anna said...

Hey Amanda,
Thanks for your comment!:)