* I got to see my teacher who I LOVE and have not seen since the middle on May! She is an amazing teacher and I am so blessed to have her!!
* I got to help kids with their violin. I have not done this since the end of May, so it was great fun, even if one the kids is making faces at you the whole time or you try to help a kid who plays the viola! Don't try to do this...it will only make matters worst!:)
*One of the kids got mixed up and ended up with another group.When we were dividing into groups, I got one girl who was suppose to be with group #2, so I told my group(#1) to stop and wait so we could get her back to her group. Then the little boy in group #3 decided to come with group #1, since he thought that was his group. Then he got mixed up in the group that was walking in front of us and did not comprehend, that his group had stopped!(But it was not really his group.) So he went to the wrong room, with the wrong group! Then he started sobbing! So that group leader Micheal brought him to our group and said this is your group...them Jessica the leader of group #2 came looking for the little boy and said no he goes to group #2. Anyway, he did get back to his group, and I don't think he got in the wrong group anymore...at least not with me!:)
*One of the little kids tried to drink out of the fountain in the lobby....no, this was NOT a drinking fountain, but a just for looks fountain!!! My mother quickly saved him!:)
* One little girl dumped grass on one of the assistant. The assistant response was "Why did you do that." Little girl,"Because Micheal said to, he said you liked it." Assistant,"Not everyone likes grass." Little girl walks back and said to Micheal, " That girl so strange, she does not like nature.":)
*I got asked by someone who works in the Duke music department when my wedding is or if I had already gotten married!! I said that was my sister and that she had just gotten married. The funny part is..we know the women who asked, and she was looking right at me! I don't look that much like Sarah!:)
Well....that about covers what happened today!